Managed Services Provider

Data Backups

The best Data Backup Services in the Dallas / Fort Worth area.

Data Backup Services for Dallas/Fort Worth

IT backup services are not a luxury — they are critical for your business continuity.

Data loss from hardware failure or human error can significantly impact your business for hours if not days. Do you have the necessary resources to recover this information in place? Are you sure? Have your backups been tested?

Here are a few reasons data backups are so important:

  • A large majority of business that go through an event where they encounter a major loss of data are eventually forced to close their doors within a few weeks or months.
  • Companies who do not have a disaster plan in place typically do not survive this type of a disaster.
  • Most companies who lose this type of information never recover.

CPTech provides understands that most disastrous events are unavoidable which is why we take precautions to backup your data, test your backups and ensure your business that in an unfortunate situation, we can get your business up and running again as quickly as possible.

Our approach as a managed service provider in dallas for small and medium sized businesses is to

Manage. Protect. Maintain.

We are the most knowledgeable, cost-effective, and comprehensive IT solutions in North Texas.